Crystals Crying - Mother Earth - Reaped of Her Energies

Love Letter to Reader,

With all due respect and much love...I feel strongly to share my message again to you about hearing the crystals crying when I was at William's home. Hana, Maui was a very Spiritual place for me. 10 days consecutively, I was given messages from the Spirits of Hana through dreams, many that foretold the next days events. Therefore, I am confident that what I heard was real...the crystals were crying, most likely for "home" and I felt Mother Earth was in pain, as my sacral chakra had cramping and gurgling. That being said, I know you said you thought you were giving the crystals a good home (and a beautiful one at that I might add!), and I believe that your intentions were genuine. However, they already had a good home...Mother Earth. 

The more crystals we buy the greater the supply and demand. Hence, the more will be mined. We are reaping Mother Earth of her nutritional energy and in my opinion/belief, many are misusing and disrespecting them....most of us, unknowingly though. Just like the Atlantians ...and we know what happen then!

I believe that crystals are to be used only for healing/spiritual development and not for decoration.  Furthermore, it does not matter how big the crystal is, it has the same amount of energy.  It doesn't matter how many you have and especially of the same kind.  Remember...its not just the power of the energy from the crystals, its the "intention".

I am confident that you will not be offended by my comments, as I know you are a beautiful soul with the best intentions and open-minded to another's perspective. If you believe in me...that I truly heard them cry, then perhaps you understand and would keep it in mind.
Side note: Maybe the Moon was where I came from and I spent time in Lemuria as well. It seems fitting to me...:)

Love and Grace