About Me

As above, so below. As within, so without...And so it is.

and THAT'S ALL there is to it.
Match the FREQUENCY of the reality YOU WANT
and you cannot help but GET that REALITY..
It can be NO other way.
This is NOT Philosophy.
This is PHYSICS.

... Albert Einstein



ALOHA!  Welcome to my website! My name is Deborah Langelier.

The name "Deborah", is found in the Bible (Judges:3-5), Deborah was a prophetess of the God of the Israelite's, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel and he only female judge mentioned in the Bible, and the wife of Lapidoth.

My family name "Langelier" means "link to the angels" and our family crest are angel wings.  And so, it is with great honor, that I use this name for my very first website at age 50 something...a late social media boomer!

I am here to serve you with  unconditional love, to share my gifts, to help you heal yourself and/or to guide you on your soul's journey in this incarnation, this present time here on Earth.

I have had many careers in my life but none ever so fulfilling, than the one I have now!. I  can see the positive differences I am making in people's lives directly and nothing is more rewarding to me, than when I am able to help others. although many have written wonderful testimonies about my gifts of healing, I take no credit for it. The ones that do the work for themselves deserves the credit.  I am merely a facilitator...so to speak. I believe we are here to serve one another and to raise our vibration to one of unconditional love, forgiveness and reverence for all life..  This in turn helps ALL creation and Mother Earth.


I have experienced many obstacles, trials and tribulations in my life thus far in my colorful and eventful journey thus far. For many many years, I did not understand why these horrible things were happening around and to me but I now understand them to be lessons for my soul's development...rather it's evolution.  Each were/are not only lessons that I am here to learn while in my present incarnation, this time on Earth. It is to stay strong and steadfast, in higher vibration of love, compassion and peace while others have no control. Keeping my mind clear and free from outside interferences that can easily distort my perception and energy level. Earth has very dense energy and there is so much pain and suffering, fear and anger, rage and violence, despair and hopelessness.  These energies are very challenging for a lightworker and so it would behoove oneself to learn how to protect themselves.

I used to cry "Woes me!" but now I am finally learning how to appreciate them... all of them. It hasn't always been easy but it is getting more and more easier each day as I grow older, hopefully wiser and as my soul evolves. Every day is a gift...in fact every breath is!  Just think about it...  How precious is each breath? And so...How precious are you?

There is karma (memory) to be resolved but also I believe I made a contract, an agreement of what I was willing to experience, prior to being born in the incarnation this time. Call it God's plan, if you will.

I use Reiki to continue to helping to heal myself and help heal and to teach  others, and I teach others how to heal themselves. We are all born healers. We can heal ourselves with many natural resources and with our own minds. Descartes was not far off the mark when he said, "I think therefore, I AM".  Absolutely, what you think, you will bring about. If you are not happy with your life, then you need to change your mindset, your actions and your heart....and so that is what I did. This is how I beat addictions and let go of old ways of thinking such has family obligations, expectations and the years of imprinted feelings of fear, guilt, not worthy enough … etc. from the school of Catholicism.

"I AM" therefore I THINK... this is what I believe! I believe we more powerful than our mind and that we have great powers inside of us that if we tap into them, we can manifest what ever we want.  Furthermore, manifest a change our lives that will make a difference in the world. A manifestation that would be for the betterment of humanity and Gaia as a whole.

BALANCE is the key. A healthy mindset, lifestyle and "owning" your actions and decisions, goes a long way to achieving BALANCE. If you let go all judgments or ego, attachments and come a bridge between the earth and sky. Feeling the nurturing, grounding energies of the Mother Earth while remaining connected to the divine flow that feeds your spiritual essence. When you reach this state miracles happen. Multi-tasking is your worst enemy, FOCUS is your friend. Spend time alone to focus and you will find that all the answers to the questions you seek, are within you.

To help achieve this BALANCE, I practice Kundalini yoga, Qigong, Reiki and meditation.  I can teach you these and then part ways with you so that you do the work yourself.  You were born a healer, we all were. We sometimes need some guidance, training and support but only for a short period of time. Once you have been taught you must then discipline yourself to follow through.

I like the healing effects of crystals and sound therapy have studied and implemented them in my sessions. Often Spirit guides or past loves ones come in during the session, to give me a message to give to the client. To my surprise,  I have yet to get a wrong name.  I am not sure why this happens?  I make no attempt to contact anyone from the other-side, but it just happens.  Not always but often and when it does, it is an accurate message.


I grew up in the school of Catholicism and I know my Bible very well. However, throughout the years of regular attendance at church, I had often confronted the pastors on their interpretation of various verses. Especially those of which Jesus was quoted to have said.

When I spoke out o questioned the teaching, I was punished for it.  So then, I soon learned to be quiet...eventually conformed, into the dogma of religion. Until about 3yrs ago when a major turn of events took place in my life that literally shook my foundation!  A message from Spirit prompted me to do some research.  I was guided to read the lost pages of the gospel of Thomas. These scriptures had been omitted form the Bible. 

To read about, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Alice Bailey, Delores Cannon, Greg Braden, Dr Joe Speza, Dr Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukav, Delores Cannon, Sadhguru, Buddha, Edgar Cayce, Dr Vandiva Shiva.and all the great scriptures ever written both lost and corrupted scriptures .etc. opens one's eyes and ears!   I encourage you to broaden your mind and learn as much as you can about other so called "religions" and such so as to better understand your neighbor and to get along. I just kept reading and reading as one book would lead me to another and another.

I started meditating on what I had learned.  I researched all of my journals since I was young 20yrs and all the stories of ghosts and spirits I had seen and the strange things that would and have happened to me and then one day, it all started to make sense. I finally threw the religious dogma out the window...completely! However, never threw out the Bible itself, and often return to it as it speaks to me in various ways. Jesus is still my #1 mentor.

In my opinion, in the Bible when they talked about the end of the world in revelations and Jesus' return, I believe it is not a physical return but a return of Christ consciousness. How I interpret the 7 seals opening in the book of Revelations, is that in fact of,  the 7 chakras opening up. Once they all do and everything is aligned and balanced, the "kundalini" effect happens which is what I say is likened to Christ consciousness and hence...heaven.

As we shift into the 5th dimension (New World), many of us are experiencing energies shift more stronger than ever before. We wonder why we feel a certain way when we shouldn't normally but this is our bodies adjusting to the vibration or frequency shift that is going on in the universe. Yes, time is speeding up...so to speak.  Time is constant. In order for people to shift into the 5th dimension we cannot take the "old garbage/baggage" and "lower vibrations" with us.  Many of us are resolving karma from not just this lifetimes but past lifetimes/ hereditary. The universe is forcing this healing upon us in order for us to go into the 5th dimension. However, not all will go into this "new earth", as it is also written.

In Isaiah, they talked about the "new world".  No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or a man who does not live out his days; For the your will die at the age of one hundred and he one who does not reach age of one hundred will be thought accursed.

Although I truly believe that you born a "healer", I do also believe that sometimes we need help with this process.  Seeking help is a good thing but I do not believe that these "helping" sessions should drag on and on...and so I will tell my clients, "At one point you need to realize and believe in the power in YOU.  The great "I AM" is in YOU!"

In any case, which ever modality you chose to help heal you, ultimately, the "healer" is in you!  This is the message I have given my clients time and time again.

I believe it is very important to live in the "NOW" and to be completely engaged in it. Although understanding the energies can be beneficial in some ways, it should not be your guiding force.  You have your own soul, body and mind and most importantly the "power" to create life itself. You can heal yourself and others and the ripple effect will be that of healing the planet as a whole. Spending time and energy on the past or the future is a waste of time and can leave you stuck in the same old karma. What you think, you become and so we must be conscience of what we are thinking, in fact, be deliberate about it.

I believe that my dreams were more than just dreams now. I have traveled in time in my dreams and when I was about to awake, when the "veil" was thin, I saw the past and the future...or another existing timeline in which my path was different because of a choice I had or did not make. These experiences, leads me to believe...there is not such thing as time.  In fact, that time was constant.and so Einstein was correct.

There were times when I would predict something because I had a vision or dream and it would come true. Some said it was the "devil's" doing.  They performed an exorcists and laid their praying hands on me. Ha!  I think back and I just laugh now. I laugh now but back then...they scared the crap out of me!

All that to say, I know we are not alone and that there are many entities both in the natural and supernatural world existing. Some are good and some our bad but both necessary in the science of things.  You cannot have the light without the dark, the good without the bad, the tears without the joy, etc.

I truly believe that each and everyone of us are powerful beings but most of us are unaware of just how powerful we are. However, I believe we are about to find out.  According to the stars and the age of Aquarius, we are about to tap into our higher conscience which is GOD. for lack of better word. I liken it to the "I AM " When Descartes said "I think therefore, I AM", he wasn't kidding.  WHAT and HOW you think, will ultimately create your life experiences.

I believe in GOD as Love in the One Consciousness. Jesus tried to teach us this.  There is the power of prayer and in chanting. I believe in unconditional love and grace. I believe in a life of INTEGRITY!!!


I have studied Western and Vedic astrology for many years and most recently found myself indulging in the study of Esoteric astrology. It is the Esoteric astrology that most resonates with me. Why?  Because we are in the age of Aquarius and I believe Esoteric astrology applies now. In the Age of Pisces the others, Vedic and Western astrology had applied but now in the age of Aquarius its more about our soul's journey rather than the material or personalty's journey.Quite simply, about the "I" not the "WE". The "I" separates us all, the "WE" joins us together and Aquarius is about humanitarian nature if above any thing else. Researching on the topic has opened my eyes and actually it blows my mind,  just how big and vast this Universe really is! Moreover, how we are all connected to the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, call it GOD, the UNIVERSE..whatever, if you will.

It has and continues to be a very helpful tool for me with regards to  understanding not just my life's journey and my soul's evolution but the evolution of the Earth's as well. Esoteric Astrology is like a road-map to your present incarnation here on Earth. It can be a great tool to help guide us into the future and to help us to understand our past. The emphasis being more on the way of our soul's evolution into the future. We are all "sojourns", souls here on Earth in temporary resident. We all have had planetary sojourns.

Learning about our present incarnation can help us understand our decisions and actions or lack thereof. Moreover what we came here to accomplish in this present incarnation. I believe in order to know where you are "going to", you need to know where you were "coming from".


Until you make the unconscious CONSCIOUS, it will direct your life.

...Carl Jung


All the world's a STAGE. And all the men and women merely PLAYERS.

...William Shakespeare


RELIGION is believing in someone else's experience. SPIRITUALITY is having your own experience.

...Deepak Chopra


"In a CRYSTAL we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and although in spite of everything we cannot understand the life of crystals -it is still a LIVING-BEING."
"If you wish to understand the UNIVERSE, think of energy, frequency and vibration."

....Nikola Tesla


UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the most powerful energy of all!  It is the energy we, as a whole (creation), were created from, are called here to experience and express...and will return to. Many of us have forgotten where we came from and what we are made of. We are "STARDUST" and part of ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.

THEREFORE, Everything we do, say, think and feel affects the WHOLE planet and ALL of CREATION.  So choose wisely.

...Deborah Langelier