Monthly Angel Messages

 Angel Messages



Archangel Michael:

 Its important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now.  This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound, they still need guidelines and organization so that they can manifest properly.  

Create a detailed plan for how you'll proceed, and maintain kind but authoritative control over how that plan is implemented. Feel empowered to take a leadership role in your career and any projects you're working on. 

Structure and order are your friends as you move form the preparation stage into the execution of your plans.  Believe in your ability  to be a positive and diplomatic leader.  Get organized so that you can be more effective.   



See yourself and others through the eyes of the Angels, with unconditional love and acceptance.  In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential. "This card is all about your relationship with yourself and others.  How fitting given the New Moon in Libra!  I love it when the cards all align with the astrological aspects and influences. 

The Angels want you to accept yourself for who you are as a whole.  What do I mean by that?  I mean all of it!  "The GOOD the BAD and the UGLY!" No such thing as any of them anyways!  

Love YOURSELF first and foremost and then love others for who they are. This is so fitting with the two previous cards and that it is the Thanksgiving season. I cannot stress enough how important it is to heal your relationships "NOW." This is the time.  Accept others and yourself and the situation and if you want a happy ending, you shall have it.  The Stars are aligned for it and of course your Angels are always there for you. 

                                                                JULY 2024                            


"This situation is rooted in an emotional experience with a family member, which we can help you to understand and heal.  In your mind and heart, surround this person, yourself, and the experience with calming blue light and many angels.  Be open to the gifts within the situation, and allow yourself to feel peace. "Everybody's family dynamics are different...and that's a good thing! So whatever your family issue is, your Angels can help you heal them, just ask and you shall receive.  If it is you alone who needs to forgive others or even yourself, they will help you with that too!  Do not avoid the issue, CONFRONT it. Do not hide from the pain embrace it. This Thanksgiving holiday, don't hide from the family table or invite, instead give thanks for the opportunity to finally CONFRONT your issue.  However, do so from your heart, with intention that you want to heal the situation. Not prove who is right or wrong...because truly there really isn't any right or wrong, just a matter of perception/interpretation. Give thanks for your trials and tribulations with family members, embrace them both. We have so much to be thankful for! Even if we perceive it to be the "bad stuff". We grow and learn from each experience and that alone is "good stuff." Imagine living here on Earth for whatever time we have been granted, to not grow, to just live a life of stagnation, regret and emptiness...worse loneliness. With the New Moon in Libra Sept 28th, its all about "RELATIONSHIPS."  Be it with family, friends, co-workers or even more importantly with yourself...forgiveness and unconditional love is the all prayers. 

JUNE 2024


"The Angels sent you this card because you're either near the end of a project or at a crossroads, on the threshold of making an important change.  This card signifies that it's time to review and so some evaluation. Make thoughtful judgments regarding your life, and then make confident choices"

This could be a time of BIG change and a MAJOR decision that changes everything! ! Perhaps you retire early and do what you always have wanted to do, or just leave the job you are in to work for yourself.  Maybe you decide to move to a new country or state or whatever!  Some kind of BIG healing or transformation. This change will rejuvenate you and renew you! Look into your heart and evaluate your life so you can clearly decide upon the most appropriate changes for YOU!

MAY 2024


"This card signals that you'd benefit from spending time alone, listening to your inner voice.  Meditation is essential, as the path to enlightenment in a journey. Be silent and experience the joy that comes from seeking the truth of your own heart. Learn to feel comfortable in your own company. After all, there is a difference between being alone and being lonely."

Perhaps you are not taking time for yourself to be alone with yourself and to be still and listen. You may need to incorporate time in your schedule to so this on a regular basis. You may need some rest

Arch and Raziel offers you help if you are having trouble being still and mediating.  Call upon Raziel to help you find the answers you are looking for.  To help you be calm, and still so as to meditate.  The best answers, in fact the only true answers for "you", what is best for "you", lies within your own mind.  You just have to learn how to listen. Take time away from it all! 

APRIL 2023            


 Archangel Haniel

     Everyone experiences times in their lives when they're afraid or insecure.  Sometimes these fears are based on external factors you can see, and sometimes worries stem from irrational or unreal concerns.  In both cases it's important to go within and listen to your intuition as to what to do next.  Ask your inner self about the source of your anxiety, and trust your guidance. The angels sent you this card because this is a time of powerful intuition and psychic ability.  However, your greatest insights will be about yourself.  Embrace this period of self-awareness to overcome past blocks that have held you back.  Awaken to truths about yourself that you've kept hidden, and see your brilliant light.  

Additional meanings of this card: Pay attention to your dreams.  Unseen events that are affecting you. Illusions.

MARCH 2024


Archangel Uriel

This card indicates that it's a wonderful time for you!  You're succeeding in ways you never dreamed possible.  Endeavors that you begin now are blessed with abundance and success.  Keep your thoughts positive and everything will turn out beautifully.  This is also a time of brilliant new ideas and solutions. Have confidence in yourself!  The work you've done personally and spiritually brings astonishing changes to your life.  You're on the right path for your own enlightenment.

Additional meanings of this card: Joy; public recognition; the attainment of great personal insights and vibrant physical and/or emotional health.




"You have put a lot of work and energy into this situation.  This card comes as a sign for you to actively protect what you've created or earned  Have courage, and believe in your ability and right to defend the fruit of you labors. Strengthen your resolve, and don't give up."

The angels are reminding you that you have the wisdom and the stamina to bring the situation to an agreeable solution but try to keep your mind open to other points of view.

You may be feeling stuck or at at a standstill.  Perhaps you do not believe in your project or that the situation will be resolved.  

It is time to take action!  Moe that project forward, make that dream come true not matter what obstacles or what "Nay-Sayers" say!  You are a WARRIOR!  Fight and protect your dreams, your fight, your passion!

Be prepared and you will do well. If you are feeling tired or afraid or even paranoid, do not any longer...there is not need to and it will only hinder you.  Trust in yourself, your higher self and know that you are protected and not alone. You can do this!



Beloved One, it's time to set aside work for a while. Don't worry; we will oversee your responsibilities to their completion. Playfulness, gaiety, and laughter will lift your energy so that you'll return to work with a renewed perspective and heightened energy."  The Angels want to remind you to have laugh and enjoy life, not be so serious. Don't sweat the small stuff. Truth is that 90% of it is small stuff! Fun and play are necessary to have a balanced life.  Both children and ADULTS!  Many adults are too busy with their responsibilities and commitments but it is important to take time out to play.  Even if you say, "I do not have the time!"  Then try injecting a little fun and play into your daily routine. So you have to take the kids to school but you can do so by playing a game in the car.  When I was a kid we played "I spy, my little eye".